Student Solution


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Week Six Discussion 1

Week Six Discussion 1

Q Tall or Flat Organization? All else being equal, would you prefer to work in a tall or flat organization? Why? Which one do you think is best: a narrow span of control, or a wide span of control? How does the concept of span of control relate to tall/flat organizations? Justify your reasoning. Your main response should be between 250 and 300 words. All posts should add insight to the conversation and be relevant to the discussion question. We recommend that you take advantage of the tutoring available when writing this assignment. Click on "Smarthinking/Online Tutoring" under NEC Resources in the Course Menu to access Smarthinking and receive valuable feedback. Post an original, research-based response to the discussion question by Thursday at 11:59 PM EST. Reply to at least two classmates' posts (150 – 250 words) by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

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When it comes to choosing a tall or flat organization, I see both organizations as good ones, what determines what I will prefer is my level of competency, and experience in the work. As a newly hired with little or no experience, I will prefer the tall organization because it will allow me to learn, and get the appropriate training needed for my development. At the entry-level, tall organization is the best as it helps one learn, and foster development which makes the employee move from one stage to another till you get to the echelon. On the other hand, as someone who has the experience and at the middle,